Lands of Great Spaces

West USA Dream 2017 : more images to come......

Static Wave©
Prehistoric Illumination©

The Summits of Heaven_3©
Post Apocalypse©

Golden Heaven©
The Lonely Thinker©

The Summits of Heaven_2©
The Summits of Heaven©

To Eternity "NightRise"©

The Sailor©
The Last Alien "NightRise"©

The Turtles©
Turtles Sunset©

The Brain©
The Guardian of Crepuscular Ages©

The Last Alien "Sunset"©
The Last Alien "South"©

The Predator of Darkness©
The Predator of Darkness Redux©

Into the Universe©
To Eternity©

The Lord of the End of the Ages©
The Cyclops Renaissance©
The Last Alien "North"©


West USA Dream 2015 OREGON 

The Last Blaze©
Unreal Majestic Fortress©

Faraway Dead Planet©
Golden Valley©

Ghost River©
The Imaginary Laces©

The Aura of Souls©
Torrent of Souls©

Tears of the Earth©
Golden Altitude© (Infrared)

Diamond Forest©
The Lost Lands©

Spacetime Transparency©
Divine Luminescence©

The Tree of Dreams
Timeless Falls© (stereographic projection)

The Eye of the Abyss©
Temporal Space© (stereographic projection)

The Last Dream©
Magical Old West (Infrared)©

Evanescent World©
The Well of Heaven© (Infrared)

The Jewel©
Indian Source©

The Ring's canyon of the Gods©
The Last Shore©

Terraforming© (Infrared)
The Imaginary Oasis©

Skyline Arch©
Lost Mirror©

The End of Times©
The Valley of the Fallen Devil©

Wild Pool©


West USA Dream 2014

Martian Vestiges (in false color)©
Lost Space Twins©

Fallen Angels©
The Martian Chronicles (in false color)©

Tears Fall©
Petrified Alien Eggs (in false color)©

Forbidden Planet ©
The Three Fairies (Infrared)©

The Alien©
Lost Tree in Volcano Lava©

The Master King Eagle©
Majestic Guardians©

An Ocean of Space©
A Time of reflection©

Geological Tides©
Corridor Fall©

The Height Master©
Petrified Airflow©

Petrified Waves©
Hoodoos Fusion©

Golden Peaks©
Legends of the Fall©

Guardian Angels©
Timeless Vortex©

Delta Rock©
Yellow Mountains©

Lost Sea©
The Den of the Gods©

The Kingdom of Ghosts©
Autumn Window©

Golden Forest©
The Divine Eye©

Paradise Experience©
Exotic Planet©

The Guardians©
Paradise Tunnel©

Hoodoos Consecration©
Thunderstorm Rock©

Eden Terraces© (Infrared version)
Petrified Dinosaur©

NightSky Arch©
King Rock©

Destiny Arch©
The Alien Elephant's Twilight©

Milky Way Shadows©
Guardian of the Temple©

The Fire Sky Bridge©
The Imaginary Cavern©

Majestic Chimney of Heaven©
Proud Rock©

Mystic Valley© (Infrared version)
Rock Island©

Lenticular Desert©
Death Garden©

Angel Tunnel©

Alone Man©

Dream Fall©

Geyser in the Sky©

Hand of Hell©

Eden Terraces©


Bridge Silk©

Arch of Fire©

Paradise Creek©

Mirror World©

Fantasy Way©